< Hufeisen und Reiterpassprüfung
28.06.2022 20:09 Alter: 2 yrs

HLA4 auf großer Sprachreise in Malta

Nach anfänglichen Herausforderungen in der Planung, konnte die HLA4 am vergangenen Sonntag 26.6. pünktlich um 13.00 Uhr zu ihrer ersten großen Reise in ihrer Schullaufbahn starten. 

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Sehr früh mussten wir mit dem Bus vom Hotel Richtung Sprachschule aufbrechen. Am Vormittag waren die SchülerInnen im Sprachkurs und durften in sprachlich und national bunt gemischten Gruppen ihre Englischsprachkünste aufpolieren. Am Nachmittag bewanderten wir die historische Stadt Valetta mit Stadtführerin bei 33°C im Schatten. Die verdiente Abkühlung im Meer oder im Pool brachte danach für alle die wohl ersehnte Abkühlung.

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The second day was a little bit more relaxed for our students. They started their day with a late breakfast and their language course started only in the afternoon. After the course they could enjoy their free time at the Maltesian beach in front of our hotel.

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On the third day there was no language course because of the Maltesian national day "St. Peter and St. Paul". So we did a boat tour to Comino island and the Blue Lagoon. The students could enjoy their day off under the Maltesian sun with their classmates. Water, fun and free sunburn all inclusive. 

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Our regular last day of our language trip to Malta was a tight day with lots of bustrips. In the morning the kiddos had their language course, in the afternoon we did a wine and chocolate pairing at the Malta Chocolate Factory. The wine and chocolate pairing was really interesting because we heared something about the Maltesian history of chocolate and wine. Almost all the emperors grew wine on the island for decades. In the evening we enjoyed our last hours of the Maltesian Night Life.

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Now we need to head back to Malta Airport and fly back to Zürich. All in all it was a really great trip for our students and also the teachers enjoyed it very much. Dear Malta, We are looking forward to seeing you again soon!

Sarah Paterno & Christoph Weißenbach